You’re welcome, Aju, and I think the poem should’ve been curated. I’ve published articles and a few poems, one poem that won a poetry contest and I expected to have curated but nothing I’ve written has been. I did read an article on Medium that said to basically don’t expect curation because of the huge number of submissions for the editors to go through. I have noticed stories from several writers whom I follow being curated on a regular basis so it may be a group of writers whose work always gets a closer look. I’m not one of them but I don’t think I’m unlucky. When I write it’s because I want to, whether it be a “standard” article, fiction or poetry. If a few, or several, people appreciate , my work then I’m satisfied with having my talent recognized. If I’m paid a few dollars a month for something I like doing anyway then I feel good about that.
You have both talent and skill so don’t let not being curated stop you from creating; a lot of writers will appreciate your work. Few writers make a living at writing, anyway.
Good luck and I hope to see more of your work.