You're right, ducks chose a new mate every year. I should've re-checked that claim. If that female hasn't yet laid eggs, then she won't find a new mate until the following year.
But it does make the story more poignant, doesn't it?
And the hunting part is about the boy, who only hunted because it was what was expected of him, stopping hunting altogether.
Btw- I'm not a vegetarian but I eat as little meat as possible- I know the horrible conditions animals to eat are raised in and the toll that takes on the environment. If people knew that most of the chicken McDonald's' and other fast food places serve is from chickens that were fed ground up bones, beaks and other non-meat parts of slaughtered chickens- basically making them cannibals- it might make them hesitate before eating it. My son and his girlfriend are vegetarian, though. Thanks for your input, John.