You paint the Left in a simplistic, rightest-leaning way: it’s the Clintons and Democratic machine along with Rockefeller/Soros (a favorite fallback conspiracy among the Right), then go on to say the Libertarian way of “free market” is the antidote to predatory capitalism, which I agree with you is unacceptable, when, in fact, a “free market” to a Libertarian typically means no government influence, no regulation, and that isn’t the antidote to predatory capitalism. It’s the Cause. That “rigging” you describe is, of course, historical fact but would it have happened if tighter regulations were in effect and enforced? Almost certainly not. Would it have happened under a less regulated “free market”? It did. Because there are always crooks among us, and those are the ones who require us to have strong, enforced regulation. Not to end capitalism but to embrace it but in a way that is fair to everyone. It’s a great system, overall, but turns bad when it’s allowed to ‘run free’.
To move away from and avoid Predatory Capitalism.