Yes, the rich and large corporations are getting subsidies and that taxpayer money buys them a lot of Republican Congressmen, and several Democrats, as well.
Social Security could be solvent, permanently, if income above $112k was subject to FICA taxes and passive income was as well. It isn’t fair that a 200k+ earner pays the same amount as a $112k earner. And people who live off dividends, such as Bezos; he lives like the billionaire he is, all from Amazon dividends, yet takes a taxable salary of $86k a year and has since at least the mid-90s. Tax laws need to be changed and he, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc. should have their ‘passive’ income taxed just like ordinary income. Right-winger Musk will fight it all the way and use Twitter to help him. Zuckerberg will use Facebook to make sure faux conservatives have a platform to spread their lies.
Those changes would require a 60+ Democrat Senate majority, since some Democrats wouldn’t support those changes, either. Either way, like the Democrats or not, that Party will provide the only chance of changing things. Don’t fall for the claims that they’re ‘neo-liberals’. The definition of neo-liberal is an exact description of Republicans.
Manchin whistling in the dark while smug Musk flies his spaceships…
And higher ed should be free, as well as trade schools for those who don’t want to attend college. You and other borrowers have every right to be angry if the system isn’t changed to bring the U.S. up to the same standards as other Western nations. As it stands, we’re well on our way to being just another third-world nation; already there in a lot of different measures.
The whole thing looks a lot like the French aristocrats just before the revolution. And like Rome when a single Senator had the power to stop any legislation without having to give a reason- the way our Senate now works.
I’m ‘old’ now but will never give up the ‘good fight’. I may be naive but I still believe we can have that America I was told about (lied about) in middle school…
Best of luck, Andrew, and people are fighting for a better future and free higher ed. Just support them where you can and through your writing you will make a difference.