"Yeah sure- the killer at the school strangled 19 children in a manner of a couple minutes. Jeez."
Lest we forget that people can be killed with a hammer, too. You know that hammer that can kill multiple people per minute and has a range of 300 yards? You can pick up one of those dual-purpose tools at your local hardware store and they're far less expensive than an AR 15
And those mass strangulations happen, well, all the time! Such as- more people are people are killed in auto accidents the difference being that hammers are not designed to be used to murder people, nor are cars.
They are used 99% of the time for their intended purpose. The intended purpose of a handgun is to kill people. It isn't designed for any other use than killing people.
I can drive a nail with a hammer and can drive a car to get around; I can't drive a nail with a handgun or use it for transportation because it has no such use.
I grew up on a farm and was exposed to hunting rifles and shotguns and even owned a shotgun and a .22 caliber rifle. I used the shotgun when hunting game, the .33 for smaller game, such as doves, ducks, or squirrels. I also used the .22 to practice shooting empty beer cans. And that, I admit, was fun (the shooting cans thing). I never met a single hunter who felt the need to fire multiple rounds per minute. Anyone with such poor aim would be laughed at for destroying the animal they intended to eat- bringing home a deer in a bag of shredded pieces was and still is, not considered "hunting". It would've been called what it was: slaughter. It seems, though, that some people feel the need to be able to slaughter other people en masse. Makes one wonder just what those killing machines gun lovers fight so hard to keep is covering up? Cowardice and insecurity in one's manhood would be a good guess.