"when both candidates running represent the corporate oligarchy"
If you actually believe that then you haven't been paying attention. Have you noticed the Federal troops being sent into cities to snatch innocent people off the streets and take them to undisclosed locations? And that's just the tip of the proverbial iceberg.
Well, apparently you have paid attention, to fake self-proclaimed "progressives", the Bernie or bust types.
Nothing against Bernie, I admire him as an experienced politician and he seems to be a quite decent, civic-minded person. And he has brought attention to many good ideas that have been around for a long time that but confused people give him credit that he doesn't claim. And if you don't support the candidate Bernie supports then we're all in big trouble. Bernie knows that without Biden in Office we'll never get the progress we all want and need.
Have you not noticed that the root word of "progressive" is "progress"?
Yes, let's do stop "being naïve", and support the only chance of stopping this country's descent into authoritarianism.
Are you even aware that George Washington pushed for universal healthcare n the earliest days of our nation, as did Teddy Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, Eisenhower and Hillary Clinton before she was ever elected to any Office?
It's your shot, kid. Don't cut off your nose to spite your face, which is what your attitude and naivety would have you do.
You are right about one thing, though: the rich will never play fair. So, do something about it other than gripe on the internet.
Vote for the only chance this country has to make actual progress toward a fairer society, the person Bernie Sanders backs.
And, no the primaries were not STOLEN, as Bernie has stated himself that they weren't. Do you really think he would've conceded if he thought they were?
You'll come back with something along the lines of "Ok, Boomer" and I really don't care. Because I DO understand far more than you about progress and the politics it takes to make progress, as does Bernie Sanders.
And we don't need, nor can we have, a "revolution" in the sense that you use the word. A political revolution is possible and needed and 2020 may well be the last chance for that to happen. Do you think Bernie would be working with and supporting Biden because Bernie is "naïve"? Isn't that a blatant insult to Bernie? But you're okay with insulting the man you speciously claim to support. Act like a mature, thoughtful adult rather than an angry, spoiled kid, grow a pair and do the right thing. Yes, I am insulting you but for good reason. I care about our future, including yours. And my son's and my granddaughter's and for every generation that comes long after I'm gone and you're gone.
Or don't vote for the only candidate who will help us all progress to a better, fairer society, and instead help the monster in the White House stay in power and face a real chance that there won't be another Presidential or Congressional election.
In your words "Let's stop being naïve." Beginning with you.