What you do is great, Jeffery, and I have deep respect for you. It is the kind of work that I'm sure Jesus would approve of.
But the vast majority of "pro-lifers" aren't doing the work you do daily. In the time of Jesus, no baby was considered, under Jewish Law, to have a soul until half the infants body was through, which meant that only the newborn child was considered to be a person, not the fetus or close to term child. And, although I'm sure it was rarely done, until the father of a child accepted it as his own and gave the newborn a name, and he had two days to decide, that child could be put outside the wall of the town and left for the wild beast to eat.
I sincerely believe that the work you're doing is a blessed thing to do and may God bless you for it. But unfortunately you and your network simply can't take in and find a home for every infant who needs it. So it's not so much 'pro-life' as 'pro-some lives.
May God be with you every hour, every minute and every moment of every day.