Well, if that’s what your church taught you, or what you’ve read in the repeatedly redacted NT that was decided on in 326 A. D. by a group of bishops who wanted a consistent story for the new non-Jewish religion that would be accepted by the Roman Empire, then stick with it. You’re far from the only person who’s been fooled; most self-professed “Christians” have. The Church Paul founded is close to what Y’shua warned us of: false prophets who are ravening wolves who come in sheep’s clothing. I was also fooled when I was a child but I grew up and asked questions and studied both informally and formally in university because I wanted answers, I wanted to know God. It isn’t up to me to explain facts to confused (sorry- “lied to”) people. I just go with my own studies- I said “studies” not casual “reading” and by what the vast majority of Bible Scholars have discovered to be true. There are no “original” documents to translate because most were either lost to time or destroyed by the early Church and especially by the bishops when they met at Nicaea, 326 A. D.
I don’t want to ever lead a soul astray and steer anyone away from God because that would make me as hypocritical as early and current Church leaders.
Paul wrote the earliest “books”, letters actually, the first being in the late 60s A. D., that were included in his version of the story of Y’shua but you have one ‘fact’ close to being true. John of Patmos did exist- he wrote the Book off Revelations sometime after 400 A.D. The “John” who followed Y’shua didn’t live to be 500 years old, right?
If you want to follow Paul’s pagan (gentile) version of Y’shua then there’s nothing wrong that. It’s your life, your beliefs and your soul to save, not mine and no, Y’shua won’t save you either. God made it abundantly clear through the Prophets that each man is responsible for his (or her, now) actions in life. No one can “save” you so that you can become closer to God except you. I do give Paul credit for telling those (mostly untrue) stories and founding the Church because if he hadn’t, very few people would’ve known about a wandering sage among many and Rabbi who preached in the Temple and taught as a Jew. Paul was a Jew but knew that Jews weren’t popular with the Romans so he incorporated many pagan beliefs into his telling of the stories and over the centuries more pagan holidays were adopted to make “Christianity” more appealing to the masses.
BTW, there’s nothing in the NT that claims the Apostle Peter was the young man who fell from a widow while listening to Y’shua (Jesus, if you’d prefer) and was then healed by Jesus. Peter was a fisherman, if the story is to be believed. I’ve read the entire Bible, beginning with the KJV, of course- it’s what most churches use- the first time at age twelve then several translations other than the KJV, multiple times since.
Yes, Jesus was born (aren’t we all?).
Jesus was put to death- but not on the eve of Passover- that would’ve violated God’s Commandments.
Jesus rose 3 days later (well, his soul rose immediately, his fleshly body, not so much).
I gave your reply to me one clap so that it and this reply to you will be on my timeline- not to embarrass you but simply for further edification of others who honestly seek to know God.