To quote from your story:
"You can’t even empathize with our experiences. The harm doesn’t reach you and you can’t relate to what we feel and continue to feel in this country where we ping pong between rage, fear and pain regularly. You empathize with racist white people because you see yourselves in them and likely were or are still are racist yourselves. The actions and words of tRumpers are something you’ve said or thought and, if the situation was reversed, you would want a white person to tell us to forgive you and shower you with love and understanding. You probably also have family and friends who voted for trump. Asking us to put in the work of forgiving people who wanted us to suffer another 4 years, shows you don’t have the faintest clue of what many of us went through both in the world and online. white people were doing everything they could to help trump win again and doing everything in their power to prevent Black people and people of color from voting. We are just trying to exist and we are under constant danger, and you want to fix your mouth to tell us what you think we should do? Have a seat and stay quiet, maybe you’ll learn something. We already knew this because we experienced it before trump, but you’re just noticing it. Even worse, many of you are acting like it was an aberration. We are not going to achieve any of this with you whining about the poor racists who are sad. If you’re one of those who want to focus on how they feel rather than what they’ve wrought, then you are one of them. We are done with white social niceties. Justice doesn’t wait for the comfort of those in power. You either want it or you don’t. Decide."
I saw first hand and learned long ago that both POC and Whites are racist. I also saw and understood that not ALL POC and Whites are racist.
Clearly, you're not yet mature enough to not paint all people with such a broad brush, although I sincerely hope that, someday, you, too, will see that your beliefs are as racist as those whom you accuse.
I'm sure you and others will attack me as racist but I really don't care; truth is truth no matter how hard you try to dress it up as critical thinking. And now I'm ashamed of myself now for wasting time reading your blatantly racist diatribe because you may make a few pennies from my wasted time.
So, as you say, take your racist beliefs somewhere else, and, ta ta!