They’ll eat Bernie alive and anyone who can’t see that doesn’t want to see it. And just where is this “corruption” Biden has engaged in? Listening and believing the Republicans lies, eh?
If Trump was the least bit concerned about running against Bernie then why does he continue to ignore him while doing everything he can, legal or illegal, to find something, anything to use against Biden?
They already have all they need to use against that communist Bernie- WE know the difference between socialism and communism but the vast majority of voters don’t. And you really think that in 9 months time Americans can suddenly become educated enough to know, or care, about that?
Bernie’s supporters voted for Trump in 2016 and may well do it again thus giving us another 4 years of Trump, just as they did in 2016, out of spite because Senator B.S. wasn’t the nominee.
Please, for the sake of the nation don’t do that again if he isn’t the nominee this year.