The statue shown is, no- WAS, on Monument, along with several others, Ave., Richmond, Va. Notice the graffiti all over it? That was from a few years ago during protests. His was one of many removed (his only after a protracted fight with his descendants who believed it should remain) from Richmond, along with military bases, schools and street name changes.
My first school was "Robert E. Lee Elementary". As children, we knew nothing about Confederates being traitors to the Union, our saintly, better than any other nation on earth, United States of America because that wasn't in our history books, and I feel certain now that any teacher who taught otherwise would not have lasted long in Virginia or any other southern state, even ones that didn't exist as states at the time (looking at you, Texas-oh- I mean northern MEXICO and Florida- uh, SPAIN). Defenders of their "heritage" (slavery by any other name) claim Lee did many good things after the war, which is debatable, and whether people agreed with the protests or nor, and I believe they were well past due, a traitor is a traitor is a traitor.
Trump and his acolytes and golden statue fit well with the likes of Lee. But will enough voters see that before he's put into Office again is a question of paramount importance this year.
I am glad, tough, that my sister turned down her invitation to join "Daughters of the Confederacy".