"The decision in the EPA case revolved around the power of an Executive Branch agency to create law"
I realize from your little diatribe that you already know so much more than anyone else but- the Clean Air Act was passed by Congress, not a President- see, Presidents can't write or pass laws- guess you missed that. The Clean Water Act was also passed by- you guessed it- Congress.
Oh, and "agencies" are NOT agencies of the President- they're agencies set up by Congress because Congressman can't be expected to be experts in every field of science and society (they're rarely experts at anything other than enriching themselves off taxpayer money- there are exceptions, of course, but for the vast majority, money is where it's at).
No problem, though- go on living in your primitive world but the rest of us will hope we're not all tossed back to where you prefer to live- in that state called ignorance, selfishness, and hate for anyone who enjoys living a modern life here in the 21st century. But- you must stop using roads, electricity, the internet, sewer, and water systems and be careful to never, ever, accept Social Security or Medicare- those are all "progressive" things the Constitution doesn't mention so, by your logic, shouldn't exist. And don't forget to take your wife's credit cards and her bank accounts or anything else you didn't give her your "permission" to have.
Jefferson (I'm sure you might recall him as one of the signers of the Constitution) wrote that it should be reexamined every twenty years and changes made so it could keep up with the changing needs of the growing nation but, hey, what did he know? He isn't the brilliant man you are, after all.