Blaine Coleman
4 min readApr 12, 2022


Thank you so much for your angry rant- or is it a sermon? You say that I'm "self-righteous and arrogant, then go on to prove you possess those qualities in spades. I could've simply called you stupid but chose instead to grant that perhaps you are a good person who has merely been misled. Jesus said he was the way and the light, not the he will save you if you call upon him- that's up to each person. He taught the Way to God but some people (check your mirror, again) just want the easy way out.

"more Self Righteousness, you’re really on a roll now!"

"Thanks for the blessings, you can keep the other fluff.

"I don’t know, your logic is a dog’s breakfast, all over the place. I can’t imagine how I got to the end of your post – woe is me!"

If you can't see your arrogance then you are truly blinded by the falsehoods you learned in church and yet, I will still pray for you, as I do for everyone else.

You should be a preacher of those lies you believe. Do you have any idea how many people in the Old Testament were called messiahs, Sons of God, sons of man? You clearly don't but really should id you want to know God. And there is nothing at all "self-righteous" in me saying that I will ray for you but there is self-righteousness in you saying that I am.

Another thing Jesus said that you clearly have no idea exists: "Heaven comes from within (that's from your heart in case you don't understand what he meant) and is spread upon the face of the earth" and "beware of those who claim to have found Heaven elsewhere because they are ravening wolves who will lead you away from God." and that we are all sons of God, unless we refuse His blessings, which you actively ignore in your quest to prove yourself to know more than I do.

Jesus pointed out that those who thump their chest about how "good" they are, aren't the ones who please Him.

You say I know nothing about you, yet you show your ignorance in your words about me although you know nothing about me, either. And yes, I know just what sacrifice is and it isn't the wealthy, the 'well-off' in this world giving much of their riches. It is those who struggle yet still give of what little they have. I doubt you've ever been in the position of a poor person, although who knows, perhaps you are poor and suffering, yet give abundantly from what little you possess?

Doubtful, though, so yes, woe unto you. Just sating that is arrogance personified. Perhaps you need to learn what real suffering is is what you need in order to move forward? I learned the hard way. And overcame it because God helped my to see just how arrogant I was. Remember, Paul said (if he did write that particular book attributed to him) that God casts a veil over the eyes of some who believe they are saved because their hearts are still hardened to Him. You seem to fit that bill, nicely. But, hey I might be wrong, and you might be right. My heart tells me otherwise but at least I'm open enough to God and what Jesus taught to admit that. You, though, in your anger at your beliefs being questioned, would never admit that you have anything more to learn because you already know it all. It would help you tremendously to at least know more about the early Church and how Christianity began and what it has morphed into over 2,000 years. But just reading the KJV or any other version of the Bible you use is simply not enough. You need to know more about how it was codified and how many stories about Jesus were rejected and destroyed wherever possible to even begin to grasp the lies early Bishops accepted that fit their narrative. There are NO original documents, just copies of copies of copies... and doesn't a story change each time it's repeated?

I still recommend you educate yourself more in the early teachings of the Church instead of merely believing what is taught today. Who knows, you might just find out how ignorant you are about God and about what Jesus taught and in that way, find a relationship with God rather than the false one you believe you have now. Despite the hate that drips, oozes, through your words, God will forgive even one as lost as you. I should know, since I was once in your position but was saved. And it wasn't through arrogance. or "fluff" as you call it. Admitting you need answers is the first step, followed by asking God to take over your life is the second.

Again, I pray that God will bless you and more so, that you'll open your eyes and accept His blessings.

Geat sermon you offer, though, you should be a preacher since you're willfully blind, as well.

BTW, I don't agree with everything Keith writes but at least he hasn't fallen for the lies you blindly accept.



Blaine Coleman
Blaine Coleman

Written by Blaine Coleman

Rel. Studies, Creative Writing… Social liberal/fiscal conservative, occasional writer- profile pic- 6-yr-old coal minor 1910-flow with the Tao, all will be well

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