Thank you, Mr. Thibadeau, for your contribution to my disagreement ~ with Ethan. I first need to admit that my reply to his story should've said "I'd like to add..." not "I'll stick with...".
That was an unintended error on my part and I'm sure that's why Ethan felt slighted, as if I didn't agree with his scientific explanation. I have no reason to disagree, he's much better educated in his field than am I. Sure, I read a lot about physics, particle and quantum, string and brane theories but on a laymen level. I find it fascinating, just as I find the study of religion fascinating. I k ow that the Big Bang itself can't be seen to measure and study and only wanted to offer another possibility to the Big Bang theory, which he admits that with the best equipment available, it still can't be fully explained, and that before it there was a great, but not yet explainable expansion. The mention of an expansion reminded me of the Hindu mythology/beliefs about the line of never ending universes that themselves begin and end, one after the other, but the chain of them has no beginning thus no end. Of course that isn't science, can't be proven but it seems it could be a possible explanation until science can either prove or disprove.
I like your explanation of the two types of lies and
I can assure you that I'm not part of a faction or party, I think those who are are simply mislead. I am me because, as Descartes said, I think..". I think for myself and am not an adherent to any religion or, as Ethan said, live my life based on ancient mysticism. I've studied ancient religions and there is a lot of wisdom found in them but I don't live my live based on ancient rules. The Hindu belief that there is no beginning so there can be no ending. Just universe after universe without end.
When I said I saw, while meditating, the universe from outside of it, I wasn't lying. I was actually a bit disappointed, for some reason I expected more than the revelation of how egos(we) come into and leave existence.
I only write the truth because I never want to mislead anyone else.
I'll say it again, I only write the truth.
But since personal experiences, even when true, it isn't science because it can't be replicated. There's a long history of people having similar experiences but they also couldn't be disproven even if those people were still alive.
I think you would label that a "fiat" lie, because the accuracy of it can be studied, compared to something than can be replicated, easily, by most people and that means it's not open to dialogue.
All I can truthfully say is that I AM.
That's from my personal experience, fiat, I think, but makes it no less true.
In fact, what I said doesn't in the least disagree with Ethan's scientific explanation. I happen to believe in the science behind it. If anything, it adds another factor that can't be replicated and proven. It's possible that with advances in science, someday it may be provable and I think it isn't fair to blithely set aside ancient knowledge.
Ancient Greeks came up with the idea of the atom but it wasn't researchable at that time.
Ancient Hebrews know that the earth circles the sun, not the other way around but it wasn't researchable at that time.
The Big Bang Theory can't be definitely proven now but probably will be at some point.
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity doesn't allow for quantum mechanics, yet quantum mechanics is now a major field of study and is used in product design and nearly every aspect of life.
I think I inadvertently insulted Ethan, which wasn't my intention at all) and when he replied that I'm wrong to live my life based on ancient mysticism (I don't but I do appreciate what I've learned studying them) and that in a car accident I would want science (although, I don't understand why I'd need science in a car accident- I certainly understand mass, momentum, and what happens when two moving objects collide) rather than "false beliefs" and went on to insult my understanding of his field of science, of which he's the scientist, not me. The totally unrelated "car accident" example did strike a nerve with me and I shouldn't have responded that way that I did. I was in an accident in which a man was killed on my way home on Christmas afternoon, from my sister's in 2017. I caused the crash because I blacked out- it turned out that I had stage 2 throat cancer but didn't yet know that.
I felt like a murderer, even though it wasn't my fault, and haven't driven since, not because I can't but I refuse to. I sold my car so I'd have nothing to drive, anyway. Sorry, when I write I tend to go off on tangents..
I read the links you provided and understand the differences of the two types of lies. I also understand better how our current, and soon to be gone, I hope, POTUS has so many people conned and I fear he wants to be our Dictator if nothing is done to stop him. Oh, another unrelated tangent.
As for that fiat lie, about ancient Hindu beliefs and my own experience while in deep meditation is minor in comparison to what I experienced a few years later, when I no longer practiced TM but that, although more commonly reported, would sound as unscientific to Ethan as what I first described and it, too, isn't replicable (although I truly wish I'll have that experience again).
I believe what I've learned in school and college, but also what I've experienced myself.
And again, I only write the truth.
Thank for your input, I've learned at lot from it.