Thank you for the articles on meditation; I'm certain many readers will be helped.
I have one question about this one, though. When I first learned about Tm from Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's book the recommendation was to slowly inhale as much air as possible through the nose and then exhale as slowly as possible from the mouth. Fifteen minutes a day (the time I could squeeze out of my day when I first began it) and to do four breaths, then four, then four, etc. rather than simply counting them as high as I could go so I wouldn't fall into the trap of trying to "beat" the previous day's count. After several months I found I could get good results with only a few breaths wherever and whenever I had the opportunity. That worked and still works for me; is it something you would support, knowing that very few people have a free hour every day? Either way, I couldn't agree with you more about the benefits, including in personality ad daily life, that meditation is something that helps all who practice it and it is great to have you sharing your expertise with the broad audience found on Medium.