So, you judge people by their skin color rather than character? A bit prejudiced, aren't you. And quite a bit short-sighted. I understand what you're saying but do you really believe that black people in general feel they were "used" by the Democratic Party just to win elections and are now being totally ignored? If so, what reasons can you show to prove (or even back) your claim because I doubt you speak for all black voters. Many, probably, but all? Would you be more satisfied if Trump was still President as White Supremacist's, Nazis, Klan members and the relatively uninformed Republicans want?
Of course, Biden isn't perfect nut no one is. Work with him and other Democrats and you'll have a chance to help correct the systemic racism that exists in the country, or vote Republican and see it expand.
Why you feel exploited by Democrats is beyond my ability to understand, after 4 years under tRumpass...