So was I. Sometimes I'm surprised I survived all the stupid things I did. About trusting your gut and allowing the Universe to do what is best for you, even when it doesn't look like what you wanted, I wrote a piece on that. I should've included more in it, such as how I "felt" protected by the Universe and a few times in my twenties when more than one friend said nearly the same thing. "I can't believe it. You don't even have to try, and everything just comes to you." I told those people that I just wait and expect the Universe to provide what's best for me, and always try to follow my "gut" instinct. And I rely on my first impression when I meet someone new. If I over think things or ignore what I think the Universe is trying to tell me, I always end up regretting my decision.
I married my high school girlfriend because it was expected of me, by my family, her family, the community who knew us (it was a small town where everybody knew everybody else and what everybody was doing) and that marriage didn't last long because it wasn't what the Universe had in mind for me, and I ignored it.