Scott, most children with ADHD are brighter than average. The ones who need subtitles are those who don't have ADHD but true "behavior" problems whose parents convinced their physician to write a prescript. for Adderall because it "calms" the children. In reality, it only calms children who truly need it, the others get a high similar to that of cocaine (no experience with hard drugs here, just from what I've read and seen in my own life; my ADHD and that of my son) and much of it ends up being sold to classmates, etc. University students use it to cram for exams because it keeps them awake.
I vividly recall a day when my son asked "Why can't I stop talking dad, why can't I stop talking? I try to stop talking so much but I can't stop." That brought tears to my eyes. He cried, as well. But he loved to read and more than once, I was called to his elementary and middle school because of "behavior" issues. Invariably, it was because he corrected a teacher, and his answer was right. I had to explain to him that he shouldn't embarrass a teacher in front of the entire class because it wasn't a nice thing to do. His response: "I shouldn't have to "dumb myself down" to not embarrass teachers but if I need to do that, then that's what I'll do."