Same here, and they were frightening dreams that brief 'flashes' of them still some to mind if I think about them. The stairway where all the steps flip into a ramp to slide down to a dark area, straw strewn about, a hall way leading off on both sides. That's always been with me but I have no real idea how to interpret it- well, the one way I might doesn't look promising to me so I simply ignore it.
You're right, a point of reference is needed and that's something I'm going to add in the next piece. The symbolism of the 'archetypes' Jung described are the ones I rely on, for the most part. I can't expect most people to have read Jung's works even if they know his name so I'll give a list and meaning~ of those archetypes. They're not hard and fast, written in stone but are found throughout all peoples. Then I'll look at dreams that friends have related to me over the years and what I gave as my interpretation, maybe right, maybe not. Then I may look at more of my own. Thanks for your reply, Mr Data, you've encouraged me to stop putting off writing more about dreams and meanings/possible meanings~. I didn't write anything at all in August and it's time to make the time.