Religious studies professors at Virginia Commonwealth University and other scholars. Remember that scholars of theology aren’t the same as other scholars, as theologians have a vested interest in pushing the early Church’s- no, actually the 5th century Church’s doctrine, under emperor Justinian’s rule, and the “official, final and not to be questioned doctrine” changed multiple times before then and again with the Reformation. The KJV is considered the most error prone translation but is what most, if not all, theologians are taught. And teach from.
Not ALL theologians, though, so this isn’t a slam against them all. And some loving, Godly, and well-intentioned people take the Bible as the “Word” of God get quite upset if their beliefs are questioned which is why I try to avoid discussing religion with those people- I could, of course, be wrong and would never want to lead anyone astray from their path to finding God.
There are multiple translations of the early writings available, largely because NO original documents exist. At most, fragments of fragments pieced together, some of which do date to the decades not long after the time Jesus lived, others to much later.
There are multiple “Bibles” used by various branches of Christianity and I suspect each version has some truth in them.