"Peaceful protestors"? You mean those who shut down highways that provide trade with the U.S. and closing down city centers, hurting the businesses blocked and blowing their truck's horns all night to express their frustration? Ever try sleeping with tractor trailers blowing their horns? And what of those businesses who lost customers because no one could get to them? That's okay with you? None of those things constitute "peaceful protests". I'm sorry to say this, Liz, but you'd fit right in with the current Republican Party in the U.S. And it's filled with crazies (I'm not implying that you're crazy, just that there's a place for you in that Party- you'd be welcomed with open arms, maybe, no, probably, get a prominent spot on Fox "news"). The faux news network that's been banned in Canada since it was created in the 1990s and should be banned here, as well. But money talks in this country, to the detriment oof us all.
Children get multiple vaccinations to attend school, soldiers get a slew of vaccinations, but get the COVID shot? A big NO on that because, well, "Freedom"? That never mattered with health emergencies, before. Remember forced Polio vaccines? Or the fact that people get a flu vaccine every year. You may not consider yourself political but you're certainly making the same flawed arguments heard in the U.S.