Pavane, I agree 99% and firmly believe Jesus would, as well. It isn't because I don't believe God exists because I believe we and all things in existence REQUIRE there be a God, but not the version of "God" the early "Christians" decided on, many decades and even centuries after Jesus was murdered and arrogant, self-righteous Christians are no different than the Priests and wealthy Jews who had Jesus put to death, largely because they had the same mistaken beliefs Christians hold and I believe Jesus would turn his back on people, such as Josiah, as false prophets, the "wolves in sheep's clothing" he warned would come in his name to lead people astray from finding God. And that Jesus would be apalled to learn people worship him as God and think that he will somehow take everyone's sins and thus "save" those who pray to him.
Christians (not ALL Chistians, to be fair) see God as a vengeful, wrathful, and quick to judge god. That IS NOT the God whom Jesus worshipped. The God Jesus spoke of is Love, of God and of every person's neighbor, yet that "god" is not the "god" Christians worship. Christians are the American Taliban, the Muslim Jihadists, and supporters of genocde, if it involves non-Christians, and of pedophiles among Priests and "ministers".