Okay, I'll admit that is something Jesus is claimed to have said- after he was murdered. But did he say it? Again, no original documents to provide evidence.
And the KJV, which you seem to rely upon, is the worst translation available today but admittedly, does have beautifully written language. The three Books of Isaiah are, imho, the best written as far as beauty of writing goes. And I have read multiple translations of the "Bible" and the beauty of Isaiah's words, especially Second Isaiah, comes through in all of them. The KJV is the best for beautiful writing but not useful as a good translation of the Bible, overall.
And the book of Proverbs is nearly identical to a Book of teachings written by the
Egyptians to educate the sons of Pharoah a thousand years or more before it was copied and added to the Hebrew Bible. The Hebrews saw the value in it and there is nothing wrong with sharing wisdom, no matter where it originated. As was the story of Noah. That was taken from a common belief at the time in an ancient worldwide flood that Gilgamesh survived, a few thousand years earlier than Noah was claimed to have lived.