Molecules only "collide" when two are able to form a bond, (as does CO2) and heat (energy) is light in the ir range and much of the released heat is absorbed by other C and H2O creating more CO2. A particle physicist could probably correct me if I am wrong but you are an engineer, not a physicist.
I read your paper that states your conclusion on manmade global warming but found it lacking in substance, hence you calling it your "conclusion". A conclusion is an opinion and you are certainly entitled to your own opinions, whether fully factual or not.
You read the link I included to "skepticalscience" and no, H2O isn't mentioned in the article as being the largest climate warming gas. I mistakenly assumed you already knew that since you consider manmade climate change a hoax/religion/lie and yourself to be an expert on a field of study that is not your field of study. I think it is safe to assume you are knowledgeable in engineering. I prefer to leave climate science to the experts, just as I'd leave my medical care to a physician rather than to a master mechanic. You also seem to believe that more CO2 in the atmosphere is better for plants and that is sometimes true but only to a point then it becomes dangerous to plants. And you question one of the links I offered but say nothing about the others I provided in my first reply. That is known as "cherry picking" to support an opinion.
Rather than continue to go back and forth on a topic that neither you nor I are expert in, I would like to offer further reading material if you care to learn more about a field that is not your specialty or mine and in which neither of us would have needed to study in-depth in college. I defer to the experts.
Plant life
The largest contributor of manmade CO2 in the Atmosphere:
Thank you for your thoughts on a very complex science and I respect you for not resorting to personal attacks, as so often happens in discussions about sensitive issues that affect us all.