Mia, I agree with your 'story', as Medium calls replies to 'stories' and you make good points. White privilege does exist, is a 'thing' and white people who claim that isn't true tend to be overt racists themselves or simply think that they get no special treatment in society. They do. Or pretend not to be racist but their actions show otherwise.
I do, however, want to add one thing to these sentences you wrote: "White women act as if they can write not only their 'problems,' but they also assume that they can write EVERYBODY ELSE'S PLUS make that profit. THIS IS MULTILAYERED AMORALITY. If you don't have a story to tell and you want to tell someone else's, your name should be barely visible and not publicized. "
That are correct but I think leave out one important fact: POC women sometimes do the same thing: think they are qualified to tell the story as a White person and blanket their assumptions on all White people. There is an article on Medium now by a black woman calling out White people for their failure in putting idiot tRump in Office, as if he received NO support or votes from POC and won't again this year. I politely pointed out that we White people are not all White Supremacists any more than all POC are criminals. In return, I was called one of those people who, in my disdain for POC, helped tRump get into the White House. I did not nor did anyone in my immediate family, including mother, father, sisters, nephews, nieces and their spouses. I have never considered POC any 'less' than me because I truly consider all people to be of the same worth, including criminals, and fully acknowledge that I, too, have benefitted from that White privilege.
Yet, I was told in no uncertain terms that I am not only a racist but should read some of that writer' other works on White privilege and what it is like to be White. I think I know full well what it is like to be White and I am not a White Supremacist or Nazi or xenophobic. I dislike labels because they are inherently unfair in that they belittle people, White or otherwise. I would never assume you are a criminal because you are a POC and I am offended when a POC or White person assumes I am one of those people, White Supremacist or Nazi, neo-Nazi, or xenophobic because of my skin color. What that other writer was doing, perhaps unknowingly (although from her reply to me I don't think so) was spreading division among those who have not and will never vote or support someone like tRump in any way.
Division is not the way to healing, it is the way to keep things the way they are or to make them worse.
Hence, my disdain of labeling people and lumping people into pigeon holes. You clearly don't do that but you clearly and concisely point out the problem(s) without resorting to divisive language.
You've gained a new follower today.
Write on!