Let’s be honest about one thing: there is NO comparison of anyone’s values to today’s Republican Party’ policy positions. Not even an extremely rightwing Republican’s of the past 50 years. Warren hasn’t been a Democrat most of her adult life so she can’t have been representing *today’s* Democratic Party values.
Bernie’s policy ambitions haven’t, as you say, changed in 40 years +/-, and I admire him for not compromising the ideal. And those are policies we hope for but, pardon the mixed cliché ‘the ship of state doesn’t turn on a dime’ is reality. He is truly a ‘man ahead of his time’. MFA, true minimum wage, fair taxation, a wealth tax, income and social and racial and gender equality are goals we all hold. But the longest journey really does go one step at a time. Every step forward is one step closer to the ultimate goal.
And 20 years ago, no one represented the values of today’s Democratic Party. Warren wasn’t even a Democrat. You say that Biden has always represented the Democratic Party’s values of the era in which he served; do you think he could foresee what the Democratic Party’s *values* would be in 2020? Could anyone have in a world that changes faster and faster?
Bernie represents tomorrow and our hopes for it and his improvements on very old ideas such as national healthcare for all, among many others, will not be lost. Warren is a latecomer to the Party, and I suspect, its values. She has done fantastic work as a Senator and if the Senate can be flipped next year, a Democrat in the WH can help bolster her policy proposals. But, Biden represents the values of the Democratic Party of the era. And isn’t that what you want?