“ Let them push too hard and too long and demonstrate the excesses of government. Maybe that will push young people over to a party that promises to free them from a nanny state that won’t let go and insists they have to stay chained in the basement to save them from something that we now know won’t kill them in the first place.”
Spoken like a true Libertarian.
‘They’re over forty- LET ’EM DIE! LET ’EM DIE! LET ’EM DIE! I’m young, don’t expect me to care about anyone older than I am, including my parents, grandparents or older neighbor. As long as I’m okay then others dying is just fine with me.’
Do you really believe ALL young people are that hateful, selfish and insensitive? Hint- they aren’t and it isn’t fair to lump all GenZer’s into one hate-filled basket of selfish people. Or do you just want to push them in that direction, rather than in the direction of science? Are you trying to destroy the one Party that has a chance of getting those young people the progressive, sensible things they want? The same position taken by the current Republican leadership
BTW, I’m 60 and my nephews and nieces are far smarter than that.
I had been a follower of you, Caleb. No more. I think I read one of your relies to a story and agreed with your point of view. Shows my ignorance in following someone because of one statement he or she made without knowing more about that person.
My bad.