Ken, I sincerely hope Bernie’s followers will listen to him this time if he isn’t the candidate who faces off against #IQ45. In 2016, hundreds of thousands of his supporters voted for #IQ45 (out of anger or spite, I’m not sure) because Bernie wasn’t chosen. They literally handed tRump Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. If any 2 of those states had gone to Hillary (and the margins of loss were terribly small) she’d have been our President, not Mr. sociopath. (I like to switch up names for that excuse of a man who’s our current President because I can’t stand writing that his name). In short, despite the vast majority of his supporters voting for the Democrat, enough in three key states voted for the madman, cost us the election and put tRump in the WH. And gave us four years of Hell and will leave the U.S. with problems that it will take decades, generations, to come back from. Along with all of the unqualified Federal judges chosen for their extreme rightwing views that we’ll now have to fight to get anything of importance accomplished. Republicans will fight back at every step, as we’re all well aware.
Hillary lost for a lot of reasons, not just because of the Berners but those who voted for #IQ45 would’ve put her over top those three key states. Like Hillary or not, at least we wouldn’t have been stuck with #idiot for President. And we’d be in much better shape as a nation than we are now. So, yes, a few hundred thousand of Bernie’s supporters (not all of them, which I never said) are solely or primarily responsible for the idiot we have in the WH now.
Please at least read the article I’ve offered and see that the numbers don’t lie. I’ll fully support Bernie if he’s the nominee but based on 2016, I have legitimate doubts that his supporters will do the same if he isn’t. And to date, I’ve seen nothing from his supporters to suggest otherwise. Bernie or no Democrat still seems to be the prevailing attitude of many.
And as much as I might admire Bernie I just don’t think he can win. And clearly neither do the Republicans nor tRump. There’s a huge campaign, funded by a Republican group, to convince S. Carolina Republicans to vote for Bernie in the Primary and tRump in the General.
Even #IQ45 has praised Bernie several times as being “exciting” and able to “draw large crowds”- all true, of course. But why would he praise a candidate of the opposing Party unless he thought said candidate has little or no chance of beating him in the General Election? Other than Bernie, have you ever heard tRump ever praise a Democrat?
An analogy that I think is fitting: If a prize fighter was facing a huge fight, why should he get to choose his opponent out of several ready to fight him? He’d obviously choose one whom he felt certain he could beat, would he not?
We’re all four years older now and have, hopefully, matured. His supporters can prove they have by supporting, or at least voting for, the eventual nominee, whomever he or she may be.