Keith, I greatly admire your stories on religion, Paul, and the falsity of Christianity but I lived through Reagan's Presidency (Carter's Ford's and Nixon's, as well. And Carter wasn't a "disaster", he was doing what so many Democratic Presidents have done- tried to fix the mess left by the previous Republican President while facing double-digit inflation he inherited from who? Oh, that's right: a Republican Presidency and no, the "Democrats" didn't try to have Reagan assassinated). My advice, for what it's worth, is to stick to religion since you're clearly informed on that subject. And leave the rightwing conspiracy theories to the radical right- they do it well and need no help from you. Where you see "Hate" for Reagan, I see deep concern for our neighbors, which you would refer to as "Love".
The "trumped up Iran-Contra scandal- U.S. military cargo planes were used to sell weapons to a nation who could then sell them to Iran to get around the U.S. ban on selling weapons to Iran is well-documented. By men who were on those flights but their witness of those crimes was subverted because the great rightwing conspiracy to take over government was finally gaining traction under Reagan and is farther into Christo-fascist society now coming to fruition. Those same cargo planes then ferried cocaine back into the U.S. to be distributed to "certain" neighborhoods. All of that was proven but just because Reagan wasn't impeached doesn't mean he was innocent of those charges any more than Trump is innocent of the things he did.
I see that you're trying to connect modern politics to what Paul did with his teachings/claims about Jesus and the NT but there is no comparison to be made.
May God be with you as It always has.