" judgmental, arrogant, and intolerant the woke…sorry, extreme radical, holier than thou…Left is."
Oh, aren't you so cute when you get your little anger going. "Woke"., the way you use that word, is a buzz word of the Right- and for you, too,. I am sorry that I struck a nerve with you but get over yourself- those things you accuse the "Left" of being are the things you see in yourself but rather than facing those issues, you look for a scapegoat, someone else to blame for your own actions, the "Other".
If you find insulting others funny then that says a lot about you, not me. As for your parenting skills, what I said stands: don't allow your children, as you said you did, see things they're too young to understand. Why does it matter when you wrote the article? Your beliefs haven't changed, or you wouldn't be so touchy when confronted with them.
I'm sure you're even angrier at me after reading this. A wise person would look at his own failures before pointing out your failures when you see them in others. So, rant away, you only hurt yourself, and your children, not me. Although, you also hurt society, to a degree. Not a thing to take pride in doing.