Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of God. When asked about Heaven (a Greek concept that it is a "place" was from among Hellenized Jews of the time, as is the idea of Hell as a "place"). Jesus simply spoke the truth, that "Heaven comes from within- the heart- and is spread upon the face of the earth.
So, no, there are no "places" such as Heaven or Hell to "go to";. just states of mind. But those Greek concepts that aren't in the Jewish religion served early Church founders to keep followers in line and collect their money just as those ideas still do today.
As for NDEs, many people report seeing a tunnel of light- a common neurological effect of lack of oxygen to the brain and no one has to believe in any religion or religious figure to know in their heart whether they feel they've lived a good life or bad. And some whom had NDEs claim to have seen their family and loved ones waiting for them in the light at the other end of that tunnel but Paul directly contradicts that.
Love your neighbors, whomever they are, and give control of your life to God and trust that you'll be taken care of and your trust ("faith") will bring you to God.
As Jesus made clear- or attempted to make clear- is that God is Love and unless you love your neighbor you don't love God. And it is hard to love your neighbor when every person alive IS your neighbor. It's said the road to God is narrow while the road to "Hell", being "punished" by God is wide ; the easy, unquestioning way to live one's life is an easy trap to fall into to.
It is sad that so few people, of all that are called (which is everyone) choose the difficult path...