"It is arrogant to believe that manhood can change the global climate. "
"Over the last 35 years the sun has shown a cooling trend. However global temperatures continue to increase. If the sun's energy is decreasing while the Earth is warming, then the sun can't be the main control of the temperature. The sun adds 0.02 to 0.1 °C. "
Two one-hundredths to one tenth of one percent. The sun clearly isn't a huge cause of warming.
"But there have been several times in Earth’s past when Earth's temperature jumped abruptly, in much the same way as they are doing today. Those times were caused by large and rapid greenhouse gas emissions, just like humans are causing today.
Those abrupt global warming events were almost always highly destructive for life, causing mass extinctions such as at the end of the Permian, Triassic, or even mid-Cambrian periods. The symptoms from those events (a big, rapid jump in global temperatures, rising sea levels, and ocean acidification) are all happening today with human-caused climate change.
So yes, the climate has changed before humans, and in most cases scientists know why. In all cases we see the same association between CO2 levels and global temperatures. And past examples of rapid carbon emissions (just like today) were generally highly destructive to life on Earth."
"It is arrogant to believe that manhood can change the global climate. "
"...and record-breaking temperatures in Paris. But nowhere does the rate of
environmental change or its impacts occur more quickly or severely than in the Arctic. When something changes in the Arctic, things closer to home can change as well—sometimes in a more amplified way. Melted land ice in this region has been responsible for roughly 60% of the global sea-level rise since 1972, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)."
"If the Earth stays on its current course without reversing greenhouse gas emissions, and global temperatures rise 5 degrees Celsius, as scientists say is possible, the pace of change will be at least 50 times and possibly 100 times
swifter than what's occurred in the past, Field said. The numbers are imprecise because the comparison is to an era
55 million years ago, he said."
"Just 100 companies have been the source of more than 70% of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions since 1988, according to a new report."
Those just happen to be fossil fuel companies. The planet is warming fifty to one hundred times faster than it ever has and those prior increases were related to high CO2 levels and those increases in CO2 occurred over the course of thousands of years, not in mere decades.
What is arrogant is to believe that mankind can't be the cause of increased CO2 levels.