Invisible but experienceable. Being invisible, as so many things are to our limited vision, does not mean something doesn't exist. Soul, God (by whatever name is used), 'spirit'... All can be experienced if not seen. Atoms and their parts down to quark level and its 'parts' can't be seen, even by scientists but their 'effect' can be measured. I believe (may be wrong, of course) that everything in the universe is connected because it's all energy from the Big Bang~ and was all connected then. Throw a pebble into a pond and the ripples become smaller as they spread in a wave but they never disappear completely. In a small, immeasurable way, everything affects everything else. a sort of quantum entanglement of everything.. And the universal consciousness, our spirit, works the same way. In short, I think everything reflects everything else- a hologram, of sort, the entirety of the cosmos in a drop of water. Because we see it from a distance that makes it appear as reality.