"If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."
Gautama explained that one who calls him or herself a 'Buddha' is a liar out to lead you from the true Path. Hence 'kill the Buddha who claims to be a Buddha'.
Jesus said the same in his warning to not believe one who claims to have found the Kingdom of Heaven, that it is over here or over there, and you must follow that person to get there. Those are false prophets, he taught, and Heaven comes from within and is spread upon the face of the earth. Heaven and Hell weren't in the original writings of the Hebrew prophets and the teachings found in the Old Testament. They were Greek concepts. The early church (established by Paul 30 to 75 years after the death of Jesus by men who had never met Jesus nor heard him preach) adopted the concept of Heaven and Hell as a way to control their congregants and that same tactic is still used by churches today.
I believe Jesus would be appalled to learn that people are being taught, in his name, to worship him rather than the One who is good, God. Jesus taught that we all all children of God, children o the Light and pointed out that the prophets had written that God, Himself, said "Have I not said, ye are Gods?". I also believe that Jesus was, most likely, the most moral, Godly man to have ever lived. As far as we know from recorded history.
If such a thing as Heaven and Hell exist, I believe those 'places' to be this world in which we live our daily lives. Our own actions here make it our Heaven or our Hell, and our Self judges us by what we accomplished in this short life as a human.