I sometimes say that at the end of stories I've written, with Medium including replies as stories. Especially with anything related to religion.
This is a great article , Mr. Pigliucci, thanks for sharing. It adds a lot to things I've been thinking about for many years and I've felt the same skepticism at times. And to some degree, I still do. But I also believe that God "exists", must exist, despite the lack of verifiable evidence. I may well be wrong but I think of the 'fact' or theory in Quantum physics that neither a wave nor particle exists until- I guess needed might be a fair word to use. Which means there must be an energy from which electrons, etc. emerge from. That, to me at least, sounds like a void that is non-void at the same time. An empty void with the potential to not be empty, but just Is. If that's the case, and I, definitely not a physicist or theologian, believe it to be, then why would our universe have been created from that potential that underlies it all? Why would the non-empty void of potential change state without interference and become "matter"? I (sort of) think that something we, in our limited knowledge, call "God", must exist under the Laws of Physics, as we know them. Nothing happens without a cause- there's no electron, no atom, no quark or qubit or smaller particle until it's searched for, observed. Only then does it exist.
But I'm only human.
I could be wrong.