I did read it and saw no valid or true argument at all, just a lot of attacks on making progress even if it isn’t Bernie.
“On Wednesday, those questions were posed to the Vermont senator by Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of The View and a vocal backer of Joe Biden. She alluded to the 2016 primary: “Just so we’re clear, you worked for Hillary, but it took you a very, very long time to hop in, and your people also, it took a very long time for them to hop in.”
What Whoopi said is true and historical fact. Just because Bernie doesn’t accept what’s provably true makes no difference. If he wants to deny facts, as he often does, that’s his issue not anyone else’s but you accept what Bernie “accept” as true rather than accepting fact. Then you go to some “unnamed Biden allies”. And his base is, I’m sad to say, toxic.
And Bernie claims he gets no money from PACs, yet a fundraising group he started, called the Revolution, works just like a PAC, right down to not naming the donors. Do you really think all of Bernie’s small donations pay for his private jet travel around the country while he campaigns? One flight can use up thousands of those “small” donations so a lot more money is going to him from somewhere- the “Revolution”.
Trump has happily stoked the divide, declaring that the Democratic primary is “rigged” against Sanders, just as he did four years ago.
Then you claim the Democratic Establishment is calling for an early end to the Primaries. Jim Clyburn is one man, not the entire “Establishment” but hyperbole and exaggeration seem good enough for you.
So, tell me; where does common sense and hope for a better future come in? And why do you think Trump praises Bernie as a “strong” and a “good candidate” Democrats should run against him but Trump has committed crimes in an attempt to find anything, anything at all to use against Biden?
He doesn’t fear “socialist/commie” Bernie- which is just part of what he’ll use since his followers wouldn’t know the difference but he clearly fears facing Biden.
Yes, Biden may not be the candidate you want but he’s also not your enemy. Anyone who votes for Trump is the enemy of us all.