I certainly agree with that sentiment. However, I am also confident that if Jesus himself came to any 21st century church, he'd be appalled that people actually praise him as being one and the same as God.
Jesus rebuked a follower for equating him with the one who is good, God. And I believe he would still rebuke anyone else who did the same. God, he said, not him, not Jesus, is the only one who is Good, the only one worthy of worship.
Pastor, I am sure that you and I will have radically different views on Jesus and the things he taught but one thing we will never differ in is that God is love. As Jesus taught and as I and you believe. It really is just that simple. God is love and God is one. The only One who is good and the only One worthy of worship. Jesus worshipped God and criticized those who dared worship him rather than the One who is Good. God. And if worshipping God rather than making Jesus into an idol, a distraction from God, is good enough for him then it is good enough for me. Love my neighbor as I love myself and I love God. There is no other way to love God, according to Jesus. Again, what Jesus taught is certainly good enough for me.
May God be with us all, and we all owe Jesus thanks because he showed us the Way to know God, to love God. Love thy neighbor and you love God.