I agree and am irked by people saying it's too late, we've past the point of no return and there is nothing we can do, which, to me means they're ready to, or have, give up. Harder times are coming- what's baked in already can't be stopped -but there have always been hard times. Not end of humanity as a species, hard- but "the sky fallen", just give up is not inevitable. Small individual acts done by enough people often add up to huge change. the inequity of wealth is a major problem that can and will (if through a natural catastrophe) be done. Politicians clearly against democracy everywhere don't have to be put in charge. Fascists don't have to be given power. But Western and other developed nations' inhabitants will see a lowering of the level of being spoiled, while billions suffer, while wealth is funneled to a few at the top.
If the Thwaites ice shelf slides into the Antarctic Ocean (one of the things already baked in and too late to change), and it's only a matter of when, and the sea levels increase three feet in the course of a few years, wiping out billions, if not trillions, of dollars of property, maybe then those sitting at the big table enjoying their feast will take our problems seriously.
Caring for others, loving all, regardless of who they are, may well be our only sincere hope that changes can be made.
But, Hope abides...