4 min readFeb 12, 2020
- He has reduced regulations significantly. Yep! Workplace safety and environmental regulations. I, for one, like safer workplaces and clean water and air.
- *He has appointed 197 constitutionally oriented federal judges. Many of whom are unqualified for lifetime appointments, several who have never tried a single case or were ruled by the Bar Association as unfit to be Federal judges but, as has never been done before, Trump ignored the advice of experts and appointed them anyway. And so many judgeships were available to be filled because the Republican Party made certain Obama would only be able to get a low number of judges appointed.
- *and two Supreme Court justices. Yes, two. Because his lapdog Mitch blocked Obama’s confirmation of an eminently qualified Judge Merrick Garland..
- *He has rewritten the NAFTA treaty”- Yep! By changing its name and making a few minor changes while pulling out of negotiations on the TPP, a trade deal that would’ve greatly expanded and maintained US influence in southeast Asia among other places, thus allowing China to replace it with their own wide-ranging trade deal(s).
- *and has reached the first phase of a new trade agreement with China.” And it won’t go any farther than a not-verified-by-China trade deal. China has never stuck to any agreement made with the West, especially with the US so why would anyone think China’s leadership has suddenly become friendly and helpful of its only true economic rival in the world? That’s simply the thinking of fools and those who know little about how the world economy works, uh- Trump.
- *He has rebuilt the military, and is making every effort
to bring troops back home.” The military didn’t need rebuilding when it was already larger than the next 6 or 7 largest militaries in the world combined. And troops coming home? No, just being redeployed in other dangerous regions and thousands to Saudi Arabia- they do loan Trump money and buy a lot of US built military equipment. - *Trump withdrew us from the catastrophic Iran nuclear deal- you mean the one that Iran was adhering to and it kept them from building working nuclear warheads for the missiles they already have? That “catastrophic” deal that the other signatory nations didn’t pull out of and Iran continued to adhere to?
- *and the dialing for dollars scam of the Paris Climate Accord. Calling it “dialing for dollars” is itself a scam that far too many Americans have fallen for, including you, apparently. But other nations were so short-sighted and stayed in it.
- *Despite all the roadblocks to funding and other issues,
over 100 miles of new border wall has been erected, and the
project continues. “roadblocks to funding”? Republicans controlled the House, Senate and White House yet got nothing done. So, just who was blocking that medieval idiocy of think a wall across a border would keep immigrants out? Probably the same ones who realized that 60%+ of all “illegal immigrants” in the US didn’t walk in through the southern border but flew in on work or travel visas and simply overstayed. 100 miles of new wall- I suppose you mean the one that blew over last month in a 36 mph wind and that kids had see-saws between the “impregnable” wall that American and Mexican children played on? And the “project”, as you call it, is being held up in Courts by people who don’t want to see their long-owned by family lands taken away, with some even ending up on the Mexico side of the border. Oh, and Mexico was going to pay for it so why do you blame “roadblocks to funding”. Shouldn’t you be complaining to the Mexican Consulate? - *“workforce participation, unemployment, or the overall
economy”. The US is not, as Trump and many of his hoodwinked supporters claim, the greatest ever seen in US history. Workforce participation may be up because so many people have taken low-paying jobs just to survive. The “overall economy” was stronger when he entered Office- stronger as in faster fall in unemployment fall sand GDP and wage growth rates than exist now. After Obama’s economy- through 2017- began to slow under Trump and Republican policies, Trump simply juiced it with a $1.5 trillion tax cut, 80% of which went to the top few percent and what did go to the middle class expires in 4 years but business tax cuts are permanent. And where do the very rich have or get the bulk of their income? Corporations. And who is most likely to invest in the stock market? The middle class, to some extent but who profits most? The wealthy. Did big business reinvest in hiring more employees and pay them better, which was (allegedly) intended to improve the economy for everyone? No, most simply bought more of their own stock, pushing its value higher for shareholders. - And those are “promises kept” that you’re proud of? Really? And what of the “promises made, promises kept” that he didn’t keep:
- Repeal and replace Obamacare- even with full control of the legislative branch the ACA, to all of our benefit, hasn’t been repealed and he’s yet to put forth a “better, cheaper plan”. Promise broken.
- “I promise no cuts to Social Security and Medicare”; guess what’s in his 2021 budget? Cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. As well as SNAP; I mean, why the hell should poor people eat, anyway? Promise broken.
- Expansion to the CIBGs- he just bragged to a largely black audience about how he’s expanded those “tremendously”, more than any other President ever. Also on the chopping block in his 2021 budget. Promise broken.
- And that great economy you seem so impressed with? The one that the sugar high of the tax cuts for the rich is quickly losing steam and, fortunately for him, isn’t expected to cause a recession, maybe the largest since 2008, until next year? Every “sugar high” is eventually followed by a crash, something everyone knows since its basic common sense. I could go on and on but like you I have other things to work on. Promise broken.
It wouldn’t take long for you to look up many more of those things up for yourself, though.