Frank, I, too, grew up fairly poor and in a fairly diverse neighborhood. But we didn’t have SNAP (food stamps) nor Medicaid so consider yourself lucky in that regard. I did get government assistance for college, though.
The rest of this reply is to you and to the other commentators who seem to think Bernie is the greatest thing since sliced bread: the DNC didn’t conspire against Bernie but his supporters in NH WERE caught on video showing out-of-staters how to vote for Bernie by simply claiming their residence was the exact same address as Bernie’s NH campaign headquarters. Then they could go home and vote for him in their actual home state. People who criticize Hilary as “shady” have no idea how hard she worked, beginning at the end of her college education, to take on the same things BS was against- the difference is that BS (don’t insult intended- just shorthand to keep from writing “Senator Bernie Sanders repeatedly) did it working for governments while Hillary did it much more effectively as a non-government supported employee. Bernie has never held any non-government job so just how is someone who crows about his 40 years in government and how his opinions have never changed make him an outsider? Hillary wrote a comprehensive ‘Universal Healthcare’ plan in 1993, before she had ever been elected to a single political office but BS had 40 years in government yet didn’t get it done. And I hear his defenders saying he’s the “Amendment King”. That’s all well and good but has a single Bill he wrote ever passed, beyond renaming Post Offices and other “housekeeping” type of legislation? He did not win the nomination despite his people cheating in NH and in Nevada but BS’s followers refused to follow his advice to vote for Hillary and I’m afraid many will again. Many either stayed home of voted for Trump so your mention of Michigan and Wisconsin is telling:
From Twitter in 2017:
Castella Semaphore
@Semaphore1842 Aug 23, 2017
“If they all voted, its 2.3x the margin in WI, 4.5x in MI, and 2.6x in PA. At 54% turnout, 1.2x, 2.4x, 1.4x — enough to flip all three states. “
Hundreds of thousands of his followers vote for Trump, many in just those three key states alone and that gave him the victory, so, thanks guys for giving us all four years of hell; please, please don’t do it to us again.
Numbers don’t lie but people do, so try disputing real numbers and get back to me when you somehow magically make those numbers something they aren’t. As far as I know, math simply has never, throughout history, changed. 2 + 2= 4, not 5 or 6 or whatever else you may wish 2 + 2 equals. If the Republicans had the least bit of concern that BS could win then Trump wouldn’t be attacking Biden instead of Bernie. There’s already a huge campaign in South Carolina to get Republicans to vote for Bernie in the open primary because tRump salivates at having to face Senator B. Sanders.
Of course my comment will anger you and a lot of BS’s supporters but I’d rather have a candidate who can actually beat Trump than one promising things that could only be achieved through a literal overthrow of the government. Bernie is counting on the American peopled to “rise up” and make his ideas (none of which are original to him) pass Congress. In other words, a mass uprising is what he admits he needs to get anything done and that is extremely unlikely to happen. He can’t win against Trump and to convince yourself he can is little more than self-delusion.