First: Biden never said anything about a guy named “Corn Pop”; that was something a reporter claimed without any evidence.
Second: You actually take a commentary from Rasmussen Reports as evidence of anything other than rightwing lies and fake polls, two things they are well-known for being outliers among actual news and polling sources? Do you trust the Russian Times or Pravda, too?
And “fondle women and little girls in public”- a great rightwing lie, good of you to fall for it. “little girls fondled”- you’re accusing Biden of being a pedophile, which is going way beyond other accusations, with the exception of the clearly deranged Tara Reade and her story that changes as needed to get attention.
Yes, Biden has touched women on their shoulder or arm (something many men his age do) and once seem to “smell” a woman’s hair. Inappropriate in this time and age but it wasn’t when Biden grew up and there’s nothing more to it than what many men of his age do- and that doesn’t equate to rape.
Are you aware that until the early 1970s a woman couldn’t get a bank account in her name unless her husband signed off and gave his permission, or that women who worked in offices were “touched” in those ways on a daily basis?