Excellent article, Chris. I see the same threat from self-described “progressives” and saw it in the last Presidential election, as well. And I see it in quite a few articles on Medium- more than I’d expect to see from anyone educated enough to write articles/stories.
The type of “progressive” you speak of typically have a lack of understanding of economics as their biggest flaw, followed by the fact they believe they know more than any “boomer” out there. They’re arrogant in their beliefs and arrogance will get them nowhere.
I consider myself more progressive than many self-styled “progressives” yet they call me a “boomer” as if that’s an insult of some sort. I seek the same end goals but am smart enough to see them as “end” goals, while they see them as “I want it, now”. Children of the instant gratification parenting, I suppose. Instant gratification is a sign of immaturity, of being ‘child-like’ in their thinking. Or lack thereof.
When I was young- early twenties- I, too, flirted with Libertarianism until I realized it conflicted completely with what I consider to be a civilized society.
Being civil to one another is what a good society needs to survive.
I also abhor labels, they form divides and division isn’t what’s needed to progress. But if I were to accept any label, it would be something closer to:
“Socially Liberal, Fiscally Conservative Centrist”
And that’s what I’m proud to be in my actions and life.