Did you really have to post the exact same things four times? It's basically silly and naïve to think that there aren't and haven't always been "thousands of potential potentates studying the lessons of Donald Trump in preparation for their own attempted coups." They didn't get their lessons from trump, those lessons are universal in mankind's history. trump's a monkey who tries to emulate the worst of the worst leaders in history but there's a chance, perhaps only one chance, to stop him and that's in November by voting for Democrats. Do you think the Germans didn't regret not removing Hitler from power sooner? That's not because of Joe Biden unless you blame him for every evil man coming into power for centuries as you imply; there will always be evil men and women amongst us and to think otherwise is, as I said, naïve. "It is a chilling thought that we may be stuck in this dystopian political hell forever."
Yes, that is chilling thought and people such as Ms. Martinchek do nothing other than fan the flames of hatred and help keep the current wanna-be-dictator IN power. Because, to people with her mindset if we can't improve and get instant changes then we should just complain and do nothing to help keep those potential potentates out of Office. Which is part of what may well keep us in the dystopian nightmare we're in now.
If you, as you say, truly fear the nightmare continuing then ignore such people as her and vote for the Party that at least will allow the changes we need to come about rather than doing as she does time and again, and whine about all things not being perfect NOW, right this minute or she'll do what she can to block progress although she claims (clearly falsely as evidenced by her articles) to want.