Dear Mr. Dohan, I am not the least bit “jealous” of your education; I have my own advanced education, I merely chose not to specialize in one area. Mine, too, was long and arduous and continues to this day. You see, I didn’t stop studying and learning simply because I’d completed my studies in university (with, I might add, far more credits (74) than you had in your 4-year college and never a single grade below an “A”- can you say the same? In fact, I was an honors student but only used the building set aside for us one time because there were too many arrogant, I know better than everyone else types, such as you).
Of course, I’m well aware that the placebo effect is caused by the brain; I’m not stupid and resent you speaking to me as though you’re the intelligent one and I’m so very undereducated and just not at all intelligent- if IQ scores above 160 meant anything then my score of 168 would mean something but any score above 160 doesn’t have a large enough comparison group to be considered meaningful. But you feel the need to throw your credentials out for all the world to see and claim to be more intelligent and better educated than people you don’t even know; in other words, you still suffer from brain dysfunction, but it’s psychological and known as an “inferiority complex”. Look it up with that mighty education you’ve obtained, in your mind, against all odds.
Btw- OCD is a not a terrible and burdensome “brain disease” or a disease at all- it’s a psychological condition caused by the brain, possibly MND- minor neurological disfunction. So, yes, you did and do suffer a terrible disease, one which most people actually grow out of or learn to work around with the use of drugs, as you claim to have done.
With due respect,
Ronald B. Coleman