Another well researched and revealing look at the modern Church and how it cherry picks and twists the meaning of OT passages.
Just as the meaning of the story of Sodom being destroyed. It had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality. It was meant as a lesson to those who refused to be hospitable to strangers- as Abraham was when strangers visited him. Abraham gave them food and water, which is what people did, or were expected to do. When two 'angels' were sent to warn Lot of the impending destruction of Sodom, they appeared as "beautiful men". And Lot refused to send them out to the crowd. And so began the Churches linkage of homosexuality to Sodom, sodomy. Lot was showing those strangers 'hospitality'. He was doing what God expected of him. But I guess the Church couldn't let an easy to twist story go by without twisting its meaning to what supported their narrative.
Thanks for sharing this story, Jonathan.