And you use "G-D" because you foolishly think that the word "god" when capitalized is God's name and He would see using "God", a generic term, as in insult to the One who cannot be named? And please, be gentle on me. I'm not evil. I'm just enjoying the love of God. I'm just not blinded by religion to believe the Bible is the "Word" of God. Yes, it's inspirational and I've read several versions of it several times each and have learned something new with each reading but it isn't the Word of God and the OT was never intended to be taken literally. Hint: Jesus said that, too. And I'm sure you'll agree that Jesus was as close to God as any man could ever have been or will ever be. But when the Church that Jesus didn't found decided 3 centuries after his death just what should and shouldn't be considered 'Devine', out of literally thousand of scraps of parchment with words and partial stories written on them, God did not write the Bible or decide its final context. It is a collection of much wisdom and teachings of what is good, all woven through myth and parable, since stories are the easiest way to grasp truths.