And therein lies the problem with Christians. They claim to follow the teachings of Jesus while often doing the opposite. They embody arrogance and hate to the highest degree while ignoring their own failings.
Jesus did not judge others and said no one has to right to judge (other than God) and taught against the Pharisees, lawyers who had the temerity to pass judgement on others.
Sorry, Josiah, but you can take your arrogance, that you know what to approve of and what to condemn and apply it to yourr own actions because you have no right to judge the actions of others.
"Haughtiness goeth before destruction, pride before a fall."
I fear your extreme arrogance and pride at being so arrogant that you claim that you know better than Jesus will soon lead you to a fall. But no worries, those less arrogant who truly follow what Jesus taight will pray for that dark veil to be lifted from your heart, as well.