And that is the crux of the problem. "Words" are a part of the physical world, used to describe all things physical but God is not "physical" and therefore indescribable with words. It isn't that It doesn't exist, I know in my heart that It does but knowing in one's heart doesn't mean It can be explained in the human creation known as words. Yes, the word "god" is a handy way to reference that which we can't explain but it is still merely a human attempt to explain that which cannot be contained in mere language. Why would It, "God", use human words to speak to the heart and mind? It wouldn't and doesn't.
That being said (using those human created "words" again), the Bible, even the most poorly translated version, the one I first read, the KJV, I have learned something new with every reading of it. There is great wisdom to be found in those man-created attempts to explain what, in this world, is unexplainable.