And that common literary practice of appending another man’s name to a writing to give it a sense of importance never, ever happened because, well, they would be plagiarized documents and that has never happened and doesn’t happen, even today. Why believe experts when you have faith?
And what a fool I’ve been to only believe historians and biblical scholars rather than “Christian” biblical scholars who have a vested interest in supporting their claims that the Bible is the inerrant WORD OF GOD. But hey, let’s be sure to ignore such things as years and conflicting story lines and other silly technicalities, such as facts- those darn facts just get in the way so bury them the way the bishops did, twice in the 4th century and again in the 6th century and again when Luther did it in the 16th century- but at least in the 4th and 5th centuries the bishops had the opportunity to burn and destroy anything that conflicted with the narrative they wanted people to believe.
You believe what you want to believe, and I’ll believe what I think to be true since all I’ve done is read and studied the Bible in several different versions for, oh, 40 years or so, and in university, only 4 years!
So, what do I know when you have your belief taught to you by the Church to back you up?
And I’m surprised that Jesus returned in the century after he was killed and brought his Apostles back to life and educated them to the point that they could write so well that they wrote their stories about Jesus, and nobody noticed Jesus was back and so were several of his Apostles! I guess Jesus kept such a low profile that none of those thousands of people teaching about him ever even recognized him. Even early Church leaders didn’t recognize him because if they had they would certainly have written about it. Astounding!
Maybe he wore a disguise.