And Obama was stopped by the well know racist Mitch McConnell who vowed in December 2008 that his sole goal was to make Obama a one-term President. If Obama pushed for the Public Option, then the ACA wouldn't have been passed at all.
Of course premiums kept rising, the cost of everything rises every year- it's called inflation. But insurance premiums rose at half the yearly rate as they had before the ACA. No more 39% a year premium increase like the one Blue Cross Blue Shield instituted just a year before the ACA. No more lifetime caps that often meant cancer patients, among others, could just have their coverage expire while they were still getting treatment that they needed to survive. And no one is calling for a $50 minimum wage, that's hyperbole on your part. What would be FAIR and truly conservative would be a minimum wage that isn't the same in spending power as it was in 1968- 52 years and no increase in the spending power of the minimum wage, despite the fact that more money in the hands of people who'll spend it always improves the economy. The US has the lowest minimum wage of all the Western nations and it's clear that we suffer from that compared to those nations.
And you call yourself a "conservative"